I made this site out of spite. "There, I fixed 4chan." "This "fren" shit is the gayest fucking faggotry I've ever seen." "Literally everything is fucked." "No really, good work Hiro, you wonderful troll bastard, I submit to your shitposting abilities." "Not making this a sticky should be a crime." "Can our name be /x/offenders?" "You are going to die and that's a good thing." >a year is a long time god i hate newfags so much "Almost Useful" "Netflix may allow this crap, 4chan does not." "I lurk more than the average tripfag." "None of you should ever breed." "oh fuck this isnt /b/" "feels bad, robots" "yeah right you fucking SPIDER" "Longcat is... Longcat was long" "i'm almost a chad" "Every get is a modget." "You'd best be jokin' niggah" "sauce/moar" "[INSERT EVERY GET NUMBER] will be pure and utter fail." "Have some cash m00ty." "FUCK YEAH SEAKING !!!!" "i know its b8 but come on bro" "/mu/ is just one giant shitpost" "Imagine being this condescending yet dumb" "oh shut up, quit larping as someone with passion and go back to >>/pol/" "Together, or not together. These are the last traces of those dreamlike days." "B to the A to the S to the E to the D to the" "The Legion does not exist. Anonymous powerless. You all are just pieces of crap. We will destroy you. Obey upyachka." "Eventually we're going to have to accept the fact that 4chan is just /b/ with a lot of amusing side quests." ᲼᲼▲ ▲ ▲ [Note: This is a triforce, but it doesn't appear correctly in txt format] "only retards debate in forum threads for days anon lol" "Wow this board is pointless now, can jannies delete this?" "we need a board for epic dubberinos" "YOU FUCKER HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT"