Terminology 2006-2008


This is all the Terminology that has come directly from the 2006-2008 archive.


Moar/M0ar - More.

Plz - Please. Example taken from actual thread: "repost this plz"

ZOMG/Zoh My God - (see "Omg") "OMG" but with a z. Seems to be that the topic replied to with "zomg" is more important than for it to just get an "omg". Example taken from actual thread: "zOH MY FUCKJING GOD OH MY FUCKING GOD SAUCE"

Sauce - Source. Said when the source of an image or statement is unknown. Example taken from actual thread: "zOH MY FUCKJING GOD OH MY FUCKING GOD SAUCE"

Omg - Oh My God.

Moaron - (see "Moar") Someone who says Moar too much.

Stopt - Stopped. Example taken from actual thread: "they stopt? :("

Hay thar - (see "Hay") Hi there. It could also mean "Hey there", but this is most of the time unlikely. Example taken from actual thread: "oh hay thar"

Hay - Hey. Sometimes means "Hi". Example taken from actual thread: "oh hay thar"

Mod - Moderator, most likely referring to the moderators and their policies.

Lolz/Lulz - (see lol) Laughing Out Loud, lol. The z and u may just attribute it to trolling.

Lol - Laughing Out Loud.

B&/Permab& - Banned/Permabanned. Example taken from actual thread: "link B&"

Lol'd - (see "Lol") That you have just Laughed Out Loud to some the poster posted.

Sticky - Means the Thread in question would be pinned to the top page of the board, "stickied" per se.

Screenie - Screenshot. Example taken from actual thread: "I'd show you a screenie, but thats over on my other hd."

In Before/in b4 - Means that the thread is destined for something, such as "in b4 shitstorm" in a thread where a GET happened in, or "In before fucking sticky" in a legendary thread.

WTF - What The Fuck.

Doug - (see moot) A wordfilter for moot.

moot - The founder and owner of 4chan.

GTFO - Get The Fuck Out.

Amirite/am I rite? - (see Rite) Am I right? Usually posted after a bad pun.

a/s/l - Age/Sex/Location. Was an AIM thing.

Sage - Lets you post in a thread without bumping it to the frontpage. Almost always used when a thread is of bad quality.

Bump - Doing this in a thread bumps it the the first page/homepage.

B7 - Intentional typo for "b&" (seeing as the & and 7 characters are the same key)

Anonymod - Anonymous Mod.

pwn/pwnage - Either to hack or to destroy.

The Second Death - The second time the site died, in 2003.

Noob/n00b - (see Newbie) Inexperienced Newbie, someone who is bad at something they are new to.

@ - Other than its actual use, can be used alternatively to "at". Example taken from actual thread: "lol @ memes even shittier than desu"

gb2 - Go Back To.

Rite - Right.

Macro - A very popular form of meme at the time, an image with Impact font text on it.

O RLY/RLY - Oh Really?

YTMND - A site dedicated to user-made webpages containing looped audio files and images/videos.

Amerikkka/Amerikan - Sometimes the word "America" will be spelled with three k's. This is thought to be referring to the KKK, saying America is racist. First known appearance here. Currently Researching.

Who'da'thunk - Who would have thought.

Bebe - Baby.

IZ DAT SUM - Is That Some. Any of these words could be used on their own, (sum used on its own: "you guys have to do sum sort of password cracking/hacking").

Lawd - Lord.

Hax/Haxxed - Hack/Hacked.

Ftw - For The Win.

This is Relevant To My Interests (spinoff: This is relevant to my internets.) - A message that is used to show that the poster is enthusiastic about something.

A Challenger Appears (other versions: A ____ APPEARS) - Commonly used when a challenger to something appears in a thread, obviously. Probably derived from fighting games.

I C - I see.

FileShare - A filesharing site that was popular in the late mid 2000s.

Kthxbye - Ok, Thanks Bye.

I See Pixels - This is usually a response to an image that is either very blurry or pixelated.

Gunna - Going to.

CTRL + Z - Automatically undoes whatever you just did on a computer.

Winrar/Winnar - Winner or generally just a win.

Herd - Heard.

Liek - Like.

Rofl - Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing.

Haet - Hate.

Sedu - Misspelling of Desu. See ~desu/DESU/Suiseseki (/b/ Memes 2006-2008)

4get - Forget.

Nu- - New.

Jawesome/Jawsome - Extra awesome.

Sux - Sucks.

RL - Real Life.

Tho - Though.

Digicam - Digital Camera.

Batshit - Crazy, Insane.

EBaum's World/Ebaumsworld - A site/rival of 4chan that reposts memes from 4chan and general media from much of the internet. Considered by much of /b/ to be thieves. More information about this is available here.

Lain - Most likely referring to the anime "Serial Experiments Lain".

Noe/Noes - No.

Sed - Said.

Pix - Pictures (rarely referring to only one).

U (on its own) - You.

IIRC - If I Recall Correctly.

SMS - Short Messaging Service. Also known as Texting.

Vidya - Video Games.

BTFO - Blown The Fuck Out. Used mostly when something/one loses heavily.

/r/ing - Requesting. The "/r/" board is the requests board, so those on /b/ who are too lazy to click /r/ simply make their requests on /b/ with the text "/r/ing" to show that they are making a request.

Shitburger - Many different meanings, but the general consensus is something bad, 'shitty' per se. One definition has it "A euphemism for something that looks appetizing, or is believable, but is actually complete bullshit".

FYI - For Your Information.

Woot/w00t - Generally means excitement or happiness.

Nvm - Nevermind.

Spamfest - Derivative of spam, means a lot of spam is about to or has already occurred.

BBQ - Barbecue.

OMGWTFBBQ - A merging of three acronyms "OMG" (Oh My God), "WTF" (What The Fuck), and "BBQ" (Barbecue). Merging acronyms has been done before, but the fact that "BBQ" is included in the mixture makes it almost parody-like. It has mainly been used to convey massive excitement/surprise, as if "OMG" and "WTF" weren't .

Unknown Terminology

This is for everything that I am not sure if is terminology as it is currently an isolated case.

*twitching eye*